Here we are in the second week of the month of June, and with everything going on in the world today, I was unsure how I would write this Newsletter.
Of course, June is the month the month we get to honor all the fathers in our lives, showing them just how special they really are, so I thought we could focus on that and also talk about some exciting things that are happening this month in the Oiler Room. So grab your oils, I like to use the blend, Joy, to help uplift my spirits. A drop on your heart is all you need to feel a shift to happier energy!
First things first...Are you planning on grilling for Dad? Do you need a quick and easy grilling marinade? Whip up this easy grilling marinade, throw some steaks on the grill, and celebrate! This is so easy, my 9 year old made it....and it was SO good!!! If you are a member of the Oiler Room, you can go to the "Units" section and find a whole class on cooking with your Young Living Essential Oils! If you are not yet a member, click on the link above and request to be a member and I will get you added! There is so much educational information available to you!
Important Class Dates & Announcements!

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV!

Monthly Young Living Featured Products 
If there is one thing we have all grown accustomed to recently, it’s keeping things clean - our hands and all the surfaces we touch. Do yourself a favor and use products that will support your body, not make it work harder. Thieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer, Spray, and Wipes are just what you need! They can easily be thrown in a purse, a backpack, or even your pocket for quick, on-the-go use. The sanitizer is gentle and nourishing, yet super effective. The spray can be used on virtually any surface - shopping carts, counter tops, steering wheels, etc. The wipes leave your surfaces smelling fresh and clean without any rinsing. And best of all - they’re all made with naturally derived, plant-based ingredients. The power of Thieves can truly go with you anywhere!

The Deep Relief Roll-On was one of the freebies last month. Did you get some? If not be sure to grab one for those long days out in the yard pruning your garden. Your muscles will thank you! It contains nine invigorating essentials oils like Wintergreen, Dorado Azul, and Peppermint.
Roll it on your neck, back, or temples for an instant refreshing, cooling sensation. This blend comes in a convenient 10 ml roll-on OR in a 5 ml bottle within the “Active & Fit Kit.” This kit also includes Cool Azul Sports Gel as well as 5 ml bottles of R.C., Thieves, Copaiba, Peppermint Vitality, three roller fitments, and a cute carrying case. It’s definitely a killer collection!