Happy Sunday, Friend!
Recently I was sharing with a friend how I got started with Young Living 9 years ago. I think they were shocked to find out that I didn't always lead a healthier lifestyle. It made me remember how overwhelmed I was at the many different synthetic chemicals I was allowing in and around my body and the bodies of my family. I remember wanting to change so many things ASAP, but the cost was daunting. My friend told me to try and substitute one to three things a month, to order onYoung Living's Loyalty Program for the best pricing and to earn points back to be used on future items I wanted to try.
Since then, I have learned about "Green Washing" and the many products I thought were clean and green, were not actually. I was angry because I was spending more for those products and they were not actually any better than what has been marketed to us over the years. Remember the Palmolive commercial with Madge the Manicurist? You're Soaking In It
My friend shared with me, so now it's my turn, as your friend, to share with you why it is important to take charge of your household and remove the risky synthetics that can make you unwell. Each week you will get an email from me describing 7 switches you can make, why it's important to think about and then make the switch if you feel it to be necessary.
Let's start with Green Washing...

I hope this challenge will help you stop putting off what you have been wanting to do in your home!
Disclaimer- I created this 30 day toxic-free challenge for my essential oil members (meaning they bought a starter kit from me or one of my members). It is a guide for those who want to replace everyday toxic items with their essential oils and essential oil infused products. Hopefully it is a great resource for you! Or for those that are curious about essential oils this post might be enlightening for you!

The EPA reported this year, “a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities indoor air in your home to be polluted? It can range from radon to mold to improper ventilation to lead in paint, to just the fumes and fragrance from things like kitchen cleaners, bathroom cleaners, laundry soap, dishwashing detergent, air fresheners, plug ins, etc.
Products we buy to clean our homes with, is a great place to reduce the indoor air pollutants. And the things we are using to make our home “Smell good” are polluting our indoor air!
Swap out harsh, chemical-laden products with these solutions made with naturally derived ingredients. Many of the personal care products you use daily could also have hidden chemicals or harsh dyes and fragrances. Read the labels on everything to see where you can make improvements.
1- Candles
Why are candles toxic?
Anything that releases smoke decreases the air quality around it.
Fragrance candles are the worst because of the nasty extra ingredients added. Particulate matter released from candles is so tiny that the particles can get deep into your lungs and cause respiratory problems.
If you MUST use a candle, look for a beeswax candle without lead in the wick. However, one important point to remember: while beeswax and soy candles release fewer volatile organic compounds than paraffin candles, burning them still releases particulate matter. Because of this, you should still keep in mind that they aren’t completely free from impacting your indoor air.

Instead of lighting a candle- Diffuse essential oils! Diffusing has totally replaced candles for me. And I like diffusing SO MUCH MORE!!!! Worried you are going to miss out on the yummy fall smells? Nope. You will not. We have amazing blends that smell better than a candle and will not give you a headache, they will actually support your immune system.
2- Dish Soap
This one came as a shock to me. There are 8 toxic chemicals that are commonly foundin your conventional dish soap. They include: Phosphates, Triclosan, SLS (sodium Lauryl sulfate/SLES (sodium laureth sulfate). Fragrance, DEA, MEA, TEA, Chlorine, Formaldehyde, Ammonia. IN YOUR DISH SOAP!! You eat off of that! 10 Dishwashing Products to Avoid
I personally like Thieves Dish Soap. Did you know that the label on Thieves Dish Soap says “if consumed, drink water?” No toxins here! Just plant-based and effective dish washing! This is FOOD GRADE cleaner… doesn’t that make so much sense? Here are some tricks to get more out of your bottle:
First: put a pump on it! You will be able to better regulate the amount dispersed. You can use the pump from the hand purifier if you need one!
Second: All of Young Living products are ultra concentrated. Try using your ONE $14 bottle of Dish Soap and divide it into thirds. Pour 2/3 of the bottle into a air tight mason jar or storage container. Then add 1 tsp baking soda (wonderful for cleaning), and then fill to the top with water.

3- Plastic Food Containers, water bottles and wrap
Many plastic containers are made from chemicals such as phthalates, which can interfere with the body’s endocrine system to produce adverse developmental, reproductive and neurological effects in humans and since the plastic breaks down over time it can cause the release of these dangerous chemicals into your food.
4- DishwasHER Soap or Powder
Along the same lines as the dish soap, the dishwashing powder or liquid that we are adding to our machines can have the same toxic effects on the dishes and silverware we are eating off of! Have you ever washed your dishes and tasted the soap residue in your cups?? Yes, unfortunately soap residue does happen. Did you know some of those same chemicals left on your dishes are inhalant toxins?
Some ingredients to avoid in dishwasher detergent:
+ Diethanolamine, according to the CDC, this is known to cause cancer, have moderate allergic reactions, and contribute to kidney damage.
+ Formaldehyde – the IARC states this as a know human carcinogen.
+ Phthalates- these are found in the fragrance and are not listed on the label. According to the IFRA, there are 3,059 materials that are used in fragrance. Phthalates are considered endocrine disruptors by the EWG.
+ Benzene – according to the EPA and EWG, it is linked to cancer, developmental problems, and endocrine disruption.
+ Formaldehyde – the IARC states this as a know human carcinogen.
+ Phthalates- these are found in the fragrance and are not listed on the label. According to the IFRA, there are 3,059 materials that are used in fragrance. Phthalates are considered endocrine disruptors by the EWG.
+ Benzene – according to the EPA and EWG, it is linked to cancer, developmental problems, and endocrine disruption.
Young Living Option– Here is a hack to get double the amount of Dishwashing Detergent from your Thieves Dishwasher Powder...
Use 1/2 scoop Thieves powder and 1/2 scoop baking soda mixed well and add to the dishwasher.

5- Frying Pans
Did you know that the most popular cookware are non-stick pans and the are also the most controversial? According to the Environmental Working Group, nonstick coatings can “reach 700 degrees Fahrenheit in as little as 3-5 minutes, releasing 15 toxic gases and chemicals, including two carcinogens.” There are non-stick pans that ARE non-toxic you just have to do your research. I found that a Cast Iron pan to be the most “green or non-toxic” so we use cast iron or Caraway.
6- Toothpaste
WHAT? There are TOXIC ingredients in our toothpaste? That just doesn’t seem right. But it’s true.
Avoid- Titanium Dioxide, Triclosan, Flouride, SLS, Parabens, Abrasive ingredients, Artifical coloring, DEA, etc are all commonly found in commercial toothpastes.
You may be thinking.. Well I need that flouride.. or is it really that bad if we aren’t swallowing it? Your mouth is lined with mucous membranes designed to help your body absorb nutrients from your food! There is a powerful mouth-body connection and it is really one of the best places to start when ditching toxins! learn more here
Young Living Option- Thieves Toothpaste is free from all of the above listed additives and is, again, plant-based and entirely nontoxic!
I have loved the new Whitening option. Thieves Whitening Toothpaste gently removes stains without damaging tooth enamel with a combination of effective and gentle ingredients one of which is calcium hydroxyapatite. This ingredient closely mimics thetooth’s enamel, making it ideal for maximum cleaning and stain removal with minimal abrasion.
*You can add a drop of orange essential oil to naturally whiten teeth!

7- Antiperspirants
One of the ingredients found in a lot of deodorants is aluminum. Food and Drug Administration does require a warning label on all antiperspirants. Questions have been raised about aluminum in deodorants if they contribute to breast cancer (studies are in-conclusive). But that is enough of a reason for me to look for all natural deodorant.
Sweat is not the enemy – it’s a healthy, necessary function to detoxify and keep our body balanced. Instead of blocking pores to prevent sweating (like an antiperspirant) with harmful chemicals (like aluminum), natural deodorant allows skin to breathe, rids the body of toxic buildup + regulates its internal temperature.
Although you will sweat when you first switch to natural deodorant (and you may even be extra sweaty as your body begins to purge itself of toxins from chemical-filled conventional deodorants), your body will normalize soon after and you’ll find you sweat even less! So the more you use it, the better it works.
- Pit tip: If your body odor continues to linger, you may want to take a deeper look at your diet + lifestyle choices. Eliminating processed and refined foods, eating lots of leafy green vegetables and getting regular exercise can help support the detoxification process and promote balanced pits – and better B.O.!
- Pit tip: When you allow your body to detox through sweat, you’ll be less likely to detox through your skin (aka breakouts + blemishes). Get active, move your body and make the switch to a natural deodorant that doesn’t prevent perspiration.
Young Living Option– A favorite natural deodorant are Young Living’s options. They have CinnaFresh, CitraGuard, Medow Mist and Mountain Mist Deodorant options and we have tried and like.
*I have used others and like them, but I prefer to just buy Young Living, because is infused with essential oils and I also get 20% back in reward points since I buy it on Essential Rewards! Before you buy another brand, try Young Living! And also check EWG to see the rating of a deodorant before you buy it. Native, Acure, Toms all show a 1 rating. (Schmidts gave me a bad rash)

And there you have it. The first 7 suggestions for change to a healthier you. Because YOU are the gatekeeper of your home and YOU have the ability to make a difference.
As your Healthier Lifestyle Mentor, I want to see you succeed with your lifestyle changes. But I can't help you if you don't ask questions. So remember, please reach out to me, or the person that introduced you to Young Living, if you have any questions.
In good health,
Your Friends in the Oiler Room
Feel free to share this with your friends and family that may want to make the switch and make sure we are friends on Facebook and Instagram
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