Hi Friends!
It's been a minute since this email should have hit your inbox, and for that I am sorry. Many of you know I was on vacation in Africa and while I was there, I really believed I would send you the next email in the series while on vacation. I did bring my laptop, but guess what?!?! Yep, you guessed it...I never opened it.
That being said, I find this a perfect time to share with you about the Maasai Tribe that lives in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda and how they still, to this day, use plants and herbs for healing. Super cool, right?!?

This is me, my husband and Dr. Moinget Ole Coney. He is one of the 8 Maasai Chiefs of the more than 1 million Maasai people living in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. He is also one of only three Maasai to have ever earned a medical degree. He is incredibly knowledgeable and shared with us, the many plants that are found locally and used to TREAT and HEAL various medical issues like Malaria, stomach-upset, fever, and more

The various species of acacia trees (Pictured above with a zebra! So cool) that are of common association with the vast plains of East Africa are used by the Maasai to treat a number of ailments. Acacia Nilotica, sometimes called the Gum Arabic Tree, or the Egyptian Thorn tree, is sometimes used to aid stomach upset, diarrhea, and help to increase appetite, but way of distillation via boiling. The bark of the Acacia Mellifera, referred to sometimes as Blackthorn, is used to reduce nausea and aid indigestion, also via a distillation. This knowledge is passed down from generation to generation so children learn distillation early. As cool as this is to me, I am grateful that all we need to do is open a bottle of Digize and have the same effect! Naturally easy!

There is also a toothbrush tree, or Salvadora Persica. It is a low growing evergreen shrub or sometimes a small tree that grows in dry bushland and wooded grasslands. The leaves can be eaten as a salad or also used as traditional medicine for coughs, asthma, rheumatism and other diseases. Flowers are used as a mild laxative and the fruit, although small, can be eaten fresh or dry. A decoction of the roots is taken as an antidote for gonorrhea, spleen pain and stomach aches while latex from the bark is used to treat skin sores.
Our guide told us that the juice you get after boiling the roots is also a good remedy for ‘cleaning your body’. He advised us if we ever take it we should sleep with only a blanket on because ‘everything comes out’!

The stem is what makes this tree famous, yielding the chewing sticks that contain an antibiotic that keeps your mouth clean and also prevents toothaches. It was also found to contain active compounds which reduce decay, gum disease and plaque. Our guide said it also keeps your teeth white as the snow on Kilimanjaro.

How good it is to see other people and countries, using what Mother Nature intended. When I got home, I started looking up medical studies and found this one from Pub Med, The National Library of Medicine and found many, but thought this one was interesting and there are many others at the bottom of the page, if you want to search around for yourself. Pubmed is one of my favorite go to sites for research.
I hope you enjoyed that little tidbit of information. Our trip to Africa was life changing. I am sure you will hear more about it in the future. If you ever have the opportunity to go, I highly advise it. It's incredible!
OK so let's get back to our 30 day change over to a more healthier lifestyle with the best natural products on the market that are EASY to use and you don't have to grow the plants yourself!
Here we go.......
22- Baby Products
Wipes, Diaper Rash creams, Baby wash and baby lotion are all commercially marketed and packaged to be “gentle,” “nourishing,” “natural,” and “organic.” Sadly, so many of the products contain artificial fragrance, parabens, and other toxic chemicals. Thankfully, many companies have removed their parabens, sulfates, and artificial dyes from their lotions and soaps. Most announce this right on the front of their bottle. The biggest problem now in baby products is the synthetic fragrance. Synthetic fragrance – this can be over 3000 different chemicals and companies are not required by law to label what their fragrance is made up of. It’s their “trade secret.” Nor does the FDA require any testing of these chemicals or monitoring of their health effects. The only label on the product will say fragrance, perfume, or parfum. Synthetic fragrance is linked to allergies, skin irritation, eczema and can be toxic to various organs in the body.
Remember you can always scan the product on the Think Dirty App and it will tell you if it’s a synthetic fragrance.
Young Living’s plant-based Seedlings line is formulated specially for our little ones. There are diaper rash ointments, lotions, wipes, shampoo, and baby oil that are gentle on both the baby’s skin and their developing systems. All products in the seedlings line are 100% naturally derived ingredients and 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils.

23- Hair Products
The truth is that a plethora of commercial brands use ingredients that make your hair glow, but which also damage it in the long-term, stripping it of vital proteins and moisture. Let’s take a look at some of the worst harmful chemicals you need to avoid.
- Coal Tar. Yes, seriously. Coal. Tar. Coal tar is found in numerous anti-dandruff shampoos, as well as dry skin treatments. Naturally, companies don’t list it on their packaging as “COAL TAR”, but instead they list it as a color + number.
- Lead is another known carcinogen that can cause cancer, and yet some hair care companies continue to use it in their products. You can find it in hair dye, as well as lipstick.
- Sodium lauryl sulfate comes under various names, including laureth sulfate and ammonium laurel sulfate. For this simple reason, it isn’t always easy to detect. It’s as though the hair care companies are deliberately trying to disguise it! You will find SLS in cleansing agents and industrial detergents, such as garage floor cleaners, but for one reason or another you may also find it in some of the world’s leading shampoos!!!
- Isopropyl alcohol is found in numerous hair gels and hairsprays because it is able to hold together a hairstyle’s look. But it also risks snapping your tresses right off. So each time you apply a hair gel, you’re giving this nasty chemical the opportunity to snap away like a pair of barber’s scissors
Who wants an all natural DIY Dry Shampoo Recipe?? Did you know that excess use of dry shampoos that contain alcohol can lead to long-term hair and scalp damage. When dry shampoo is used too often, it can cause dandruff, dryness and blocked pores. No good. We have this great alternative for you!
Do you find your hair feels dry and lacks lustre after blow-drying? Are your curls not lasting as long as they used to? One of the main reasons why this would happen is simple: your hair is most likely damaged. To prevent this from happening, it’s so important to use heat protectant spray on your hair before applying heat. And the essential oils will support your hair!!
What you'll need:
- 1 teaspoon fractionated coconut oil
- 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil
- 2 teaspoons conditioner of choice
- 1 cup distilled water
- 10 drops essential oils
- Spray bottle
- Funnel
Chose essential oils that are beneficial for hair growth. I like Lavender and Clary Sage. These oils are great for hair growth and estrogen balance in the membrane tissue around the hair follicle. They also serve to balance testosterone levels and to prevent the thickening of the tissue around the follicle that results in hair loss.
- Add all the ingredients to a spray bottle.
- Secure the spray nozzle and shake well to combine all ingredients.
- Shake before each use
- Spray on damp hair before blow-drying. You can also mist hair lightly a second time before heat styling
24- perfume
Cottage garden: geranium, lavender
Flawless: geranium, patchouli, frankincense
Peachy: orange, valor, cedarwood
Angelic: white angelica, frankincense

25- Flame Retardants
I met a woman at a play date and we started talking. She had recently written an article about toxic things in our home. I asked her what the the number one thing was and she said flame retardants in your mattress or mattress pad (remember when they made flame-retardant pajamas) Flame retardants use polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEsfor short. Two forms of PBDEs were phased out of use in manufacturing in the United States in 2004 because of related health threats, but the products containing them linger on. Studies have linked PBDEs to learning and memory problems and other health issues. Good idea to check your mattress label! And check before you purchase a mattress cover. I found a non-toxic mattress protector when Orae switched to his big-boy bed
26- Artificially Sweetened Drinks
We seem to have an over-abundance of sugary and artificially sweetened drink options available. We all know that water is really the best option for our bodies.. but let’s face it, sometimes you want something more. Especially something caffeinated to help get through the afternoons or wake you up in the morning. I probably don’t need to go into the countless reasons why artificially sweetened drinks (and their overly sugary counterparts) aren’t good for you. We all know it! I think many continue to drink them because they don’t have a good substitute.
Water is ALWAYS best!!! I do like to drink a probiotic drink when I want to reach for a sweet drink or something “fun”! Or a Ningxia below…
Young Living Option to Support Immune System and have something sweet- Ningxia Red and Ningxia ZYNG. Yes, Ningxia samples come in your Young Living Starter Kit! That is usually NOT the reason why most people buy the starter kit. But maybe it should be! Did you know how Ningxia was created? Gary Young found a small city in China where the people were living full and healthy lives WELL INTO THEIR hundreds! He knew that there must be some secret, so he traveled there and discovered that a big staple of their diets was the Wolfberry, which grew there, plentifully. He took some wolfberries back and studied them and discovered that they are crazy high in anti-oxidants and brain-nourishing nutrients, (among other things). Ningxia Red has become a staple in our home. I love to mix 2 ounces with ice and a sparkling water in the afternoon for a pick me up! Orae loves it too!

27- Hand Soap
Think about how often you and your loved ones wash your hands in a day. I have counted for our family, and I figure that it is at least 25 uses! Hand soap is something to SERIOUSLY consider when focusing on a nontoxic lifestyle.
DIY Hand Soap
- 15-20 drops total Favorite Combo of Oils (Rosemary and Lemon, Lavender, Theives and Orange.. endless options)
- 2-3 tbs Castile Soap
- 1-2 tsp Vitamin E Oil
- Distilled Water to the top.
Young Living- Thieves Foaming Hand Soap (Item Number 3674). We love to buy this as the big REFILL (Item Number 3594) and use our cute foaming jar dispensers. 

28- Makeup Remover or wipe
It is SO important to remove your makeup DAILY. Makeup Wipes are convenient and cut down on laundry (who doesn’t love that), but I have found that the majority are toxic and full of fragrance (not to mention wasteful). I opt to buy dark colored washcloths and jojoba oil to remove your makeup. Jojoba oil doesn’t clog pores and is really effective in removing mascara!
DIY Makeup Remover Wipes
- 1/2 tsp. Witch Hazel
- 1 tsp. Jojoba Oil
- 1/4 tsp. Vitamin E oil
- Cotton rounds
- Distilled water
- Mason Jar with lid
- 5 drops Frankincense Essential Oils
- 5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
- 5 drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 5 drops Geranium Essential Oil
- 1 Tbs. Castile Soap Unscented
Add Witch hazel, jojoba oil, vitamin E, Castile soap, and essential oils into the mason jar. Then add distilled water until the jar is 3/4 of the way full. Screw on mason jar lid and shake till combined…not too aggressive or too much, you don’t want the mixture too sudsy. Add cotton rounds by a small handful at a time. You want to do this gradually to avoid overflow and allow the cotton to absorb the liquid. Really pack those cotton rounds in there.
And just like that you made your own facial cleansing wipes! I use this cleanser at night as a makeup remover before bed. It’s up to you if you want to rinse it off, I don’t. I simply pat dry with a clean soft towel

Alright! There you have it! 7 more days and 7 more ways to remove toxins from your home. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this email, as I enjoyed writing it and sharing what I learned from the Maasai Tribe.

The one thing that stuck with me, and I have said it before, but hearing natural remedies from the tribe has made a larger impact on me. Every time I look at this picture I am reminded of what they live by, and that is, "Your health is your wealth."
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about Young Living, Africa, or if you just want to chat. I am only an email or text away!
In good health,
Jess and Your Friends In the Oiler Room