Hi Friend!
What a year. Honestly, so many things good and so many things not so good have happened in 2020. I could start listing things, but the reality is, I feel I have been in flight or flight survival mode for the majority of the year. I am sure you feel the same. Which is why I am writing to you.
I noticed I was feeling sluggish and not quite myself the past few months. I figured it was just "feelings" of isolation, change, remote learning etc. and figured I would snap out of it...but then I decided to dress in something other than yoga pants to try and make myself feel better and realized, "oh crap" I gained the Covid 19 pounds! UGH!
The truth is our schedules are busier than ever especially those of us that have added on the remote learning teacher/support system for our kiddos. Who knows when this pandemic will be over? But wouldn't it feel good to come out of it a healthier individual than you were going into it? Uh....Yeah!
I am so grateful 28 to Elevate was born! I believe the 28 day jump start for feeling better will help make small shifts in my life to help me feel like I did pre Covid. I decided I wanted to share this 28 days with others, create a community that makes changes together to help create lasting habits.
Do you just need a push in the right direction? A jumpstart into wellness that is easy to follow?
If you said yes, this 28 day program is for you!
The cost is FREE and you can use Young Living oils and products to elevate your health and wellness or not. That choice is up to you. I will be giving ideas on how to use them as well as a list of items to help along the way if you would like to make sure you have them.
If you sign up, you will be personally guided to make simple and effective shifts to implement in everyday life for sustainable change. We will give you tools to improve your health and wellness so that you feel more energized, self-confident, and look your best.
The program starts on January 4th and runs until the end of the month. It has been said that most New Years Resolutions have been given up on by the 5th of January, so I though the 4th would be a great day to start!
I will be sharing in our Young Living Education group, "Oiler Room," about the program as well, but I want you to know about it first.
Listen, this may not be the program you need, but I know I need to get in control of something straight out of the gate in 2021! If you feel the same, I would love for you to join me too!
Click SIGN ME UP! to get your first two emails and the link to the FREE workbook!