Happy November!
The air in our lungs, the sun rising every morning, the stars filling the sky every night, our friends, our family members, our homes, our jobs, even our oils - we have SO much to be thankful for!
We've got something fun for you to try this month. Each morning, we want you to take a few minutes and think about 3 things you are grateful for. Write them down and focus your energy on them as you go about your day. Take note of how your attitude and demeanor may change as you continue to do this throughout the month.
Want to take it up a notch? Grab a bottle of the Gratitude essential oil blend and inhale it deeply as you think about all you are thankful for. Everywhere we turn there is abundance of all kinds. While you are focusing on all the positives in your life, deeply inhale the Gratitude Blend and allow yourself to soak in these benefits.
Monthly Gifts with Purchase
When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let us know!

Favorite Things

- Sulfurzyme #3241– I take this every single day. I swear by this supplement for healthy hair growth. I love Sulfurzyme powder because it also has a pre-biotic and the MSM plays a major part in the body’s ability to produce collagen too! Three supplements in one!
- CBD Calm #28478 (300 MG)- my son used to have a hard time with sleep and calming his mind before bed.Calm CBD Roll-On combines potent CBD with an array of essential oils to help relax and quiet your mind, create a peaceful nighttime environment, and support a worry-free outlook.
- CBD Beauty Boost #32953- this serum has transformed my skin. I can’t say enough about this serum. It took away my friends neck acne!
- Aria Diffuser (best deal in the bundle #26656)– hands down favorite diffuser, covers 450 square feet and is gorgeous in any room! If you are interested in why it's a good idea to ditch the candles, we will send you an article on the reasons why.
- Thieves Cleaner #3743- only thing we use to clean our entire house. We use it on every surface!
- Lemon Myrtle #32013– smells like candy- I think I diffuse this every day. I have never met anyone who didn’t like this.
- Orange #3602- this is a must-have for every home, affordable to diffuse and smells so fresh. Orange is also a calming oil.
- Vanilla #32741– Va. Nil. La. Need I say more?? I actually love this in my glow moisturizer! Young Living worked to develop a proprietary extraction method that produces a high quality oleoresin!
Happy October!
We have officially entered the fall season and that means pumpkins, gorgeous leaves, apples, festivals, specialty desserts, and more! Get your diffusers in the spirit and break out the Clove, Thieves, Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, and maybe even your Christmas Spirit - ha! It’s never too early, is it? Here are some festive diffuser recipes to try…

Featured Recipe
Since fall is the season for baked goods, we thought we would share this fun recipe using a few of Young Living’s oils and protein powder! Have you ever tried the protein powder yet? Pure Protein Complete supports your workout routine with a proprietary five-protein blend, Orange premium essential oil, BCAAs, enzymes, and probiotics to support metabolism and ATP production and help build lean muscle. Yes please!

Featured Product
As we navigate this season, it’s best to be prepared with all your immune-supporting supplements. This is a great one to keep on hand! The name says it all - Inner Defense. Check out what makes it such a powerhouse supplement…

Hi Friends!
As we finish out the summer and head towards fall, let’s make sure our bodies are well-equipped to handle that transition. It’s often during these cooler months that our bodies fall below the wellness line. Here are a few healthy habits you can adopt to help boost your immune system naturally.
- Eat more raw fruits and green vegetables.
- Get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sun.
- Get adequate amounts of sleep.
- Limit processed sugars.
- Increase water intake.
- Get quality vitamins, minerals, and pre- and probiotics daily.
Speaking of good-quality supplements, be proactive & stock up on these fall must-haves…

Featured Recipes
Did you know? Young Living has an entire line of essential oils that are safe for ingestion called the Vitality Line. They are the exact same oil as the “regular” bottle, just a different label - to help you know which ones are safe to ingest. Not only are they backed by Young Living’s Seed to Seal quality commitment, they are all non-GMO certified. If you don’t like swallowing capsules, you can try them in drinks, yogurts, smoothies, etc. Check them out!

Monthly Gifts with Purchase
When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV!

*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

Happy June!
Hello friends! We are that much closer to warm nights filled with the smell of BBQ cooking on the grill. We also get to celebrate the father figures in our lives, both biological and honorary! So grab your oils, kick the diffuser on, and start your month off with some of our favorite fresh scents.

Protectors give and give and give. From early mornings to late nights, these champions always look out for you. It’s time to pay it forward this Father’s Day!
How? With the Dewdrop Essentials Collection, you can snag your guy a Dewdrop Diffuser. Best part? It’s complimentary, because who doesn’t love free stuff? They will also receive icy Idaho Blue Spruce, nature-like Northern Lights Black Spruce, peppy Peppermint, and lively Lemon.

This limited-time Father’s Day collection is available through June 13 at 11:59 p.m., MT, and is ideal for macho men, refined gentlemen, or anyone, male or female, who adores diffusing essential oils! Who doesn't love getting a diffuser for FREE?!

The Young Living Convention is not just for those with a Young Living Business! No Way! If you are wanting to learn more about essential oils, how and why our products are made AND get a first look and order of our newly released products, the convention is for you!! Our convention is all online, so you can watch the segments in your PJ's if you'd like! No judgement here! The VIGC (Virtual International Grand Convention) takes place June 16–19, 2021. For more info and to register, go HERE:
We are also holding two classes in our Facebook education group and will soon have them on our website! YAY!
Tomorrow June 8th, we will be sharing gift ideas for the male in your life, followed by Fun in the Sun on June 23rd. We hope to have you join us!
Featured Recipes
As you heat up those grills and invite family over to relax, be sure to include your Vitality oils in the mix. First up - burgers! Did you know? Black Pepper Vitality stimulates the entire digestive system and WAY more! Google it. A burger just isn’t complete without some fries, am I right? Try this easy recipe using Rosemary Vitality! Did you know? Rosemary Vitality can be very supportive to the digestive, immune, and respiratory systems.
National Children’s Day is a day to honor the children in our lives by slowing down our fast-paced lives, turning off the tech, and refocusing on the important things. Make sure the children in your life have oils to use from the KidScents line - perfectly crafted with your babes in mind. While there are many products and oils that make up this unique line, we will just focus on two right now - SleepyIze and GeneYus.
SleepyIze is perfect for calming and relaxing the mind and body before bedtime (or naptime). It contains all these amazing oils - Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Tangerine, Bergamot, Sacred Frankincense, Valerian, and Ruta (Rue).
GeneYus is perfect for helping young minds focus and concentrate on projects and the task at hand. It contains all these oils - Sacred Frankincense, Blue Cypress, Cedarwood, Idaho Blue Spruce, Palo Santo, Melissa, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Bergamot, Myrrh, Vetiver, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Hyssop, and Rose. How incredible is that!? And don’t forget - adults can use these blends, too!
Monthly Young Living Promos
When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! Receive the Loyalty Rewards Exclusive Free Gifts when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!

I can’t believe we are already 5 months into the new year! Wow! Summer will be here before we know it. But for now we get to enjoy beautiful Spring weather!
Here are some great garden-inspired diffuser blends recipes to help you make the gorgeous spring season the best it can be!
Since we will be spending more time outside - tending to gardens, visiting with friends, or just relaxing in the sun, make sure you utilize your oils this season and whip up some easy recipes like these!

During the Discover YL event, you’ll learn the roots of Young Living’s Seed to Seal® story and unearth the difference quality products make. You’ll take a virtual tour of the Finca Botanica Farm and Distillery in Guayaquil, Ecuador; hear from inspiring speakers; and attend clean-living workshops to help you on your journey. Join us Saturday, May 22, from 9–11 a.m., MT, for an event about cultivating a clean lifestyle with the power of pure essential oils. For more details and to register for this event, go HERE:

Did you know you can support both your human family as well as your beloved pet family with Young Living essential oils? There are several Young Living oils and products your pets can use. There’s actually an entire line of products dedicated to them! Let’s take a look…
- Mendwell - soothes and moisturizes sensitive, distressed skin; aids in healing minor scrapes and scratches and has a pleasingly natural, earthy aroma.
- Infect Away - helps clean wounds and soothes irritation; supports your pets with the beneficial properties of Myrrh and Dorado Azul essential oils.
- PuriClean - helps cleanse minor scrapes and scratches; comforts irritations; features the skin-improvement properties of Patchouli and Mountain Savory.
- ParaGize - contains a relaxing, quieting blend that can be applied to your pet’s abdomen; helps release feelings of discomfort with its comforting aroma
- T-Away - helps alleviate pets’ nervousness and supports feelings of comfort; can be applied topically or diffused to promote a balanced environment for your pets during times of tension.
- Animal Scents Ointment - a rich, intensely hydrating salve that seals moisture into skin, replenishes skin’s moisture barrier, and absorbs smoothly; made with naturally derived ingredients
- Animal Scents Shampoo - plant-based, deodorizing shampoo that gently cleans, moisturizes, conditions, and softens without stripping natural skin and coat oils; it also soothes dry, irritated, itchy, or rough skin and balances skin pH.
Young Living Free with Purchase Products For May
When your order hits one of these Point Value (PV) levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 400 PV!