Good Morning and Happy July!!
I cannot believe we are half way through the year already! In our family, July is a busy month. Besides all of the things that go along with Summer Break, we also celebrate my son's Birthday (He will be 9 this year! Oh my! Where does the time go?) and my husband and my wedding anniversary! I cannot believe it has been 12 years since we flew to Vegas like a pair of crazy kids to get hitched!
Also this month, in our Facebook education group The Oiler Room, we will be celebrating Christmas in July! Starting on July 12th, we will be posting the 12 Days of Christmas in July. These posts are designed for you to get more comfortable with your oils and learn how to use them on a daily basis. The one thing we know for sure is Young Living is more than just essential Oils, it is a lifestyle. The more you use Young Living products, the healthier you will feel! And isn't that what we all want in the end?
I would love to hear from you on what type of giveaways you would like to see during the Christmas in July Series and I would also like to hear what type of education you are wanting/needing about Young Living products. We are always in need of feedback to make our education group better for you!
Below is a little oil education for July. As always, please feel free to reach out and ask questions. I am hear to help!

I wish you a very safe and Happy 4th of July!
Jess Morrison
Young Living Product Education Support
(303) 880-3616